Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Project World Tour- Share your World with us

During childhood, family trips were the most enthralling get together we often looked forward to. Clicking pictures, posing crazily, capturing the landscapes and the unseen-unheard tales of the place that you used to narrate to your friends; you surely miss that, don’t you? These big-small moments in life with your loved ones are the most cherished memories which at times you do feel like sharing with the World.

In the times of social networking, where you have access to even the minutest information about people’s life, that temptation to share and boast about your travel explorations to your friends is irresistible. So you simply put up pictures, manage to get some comments and likes, and thats it! Is this enough to suffice the urge of virtual sharing in you?

If you love sharing your world with the world around you, then we at Project World Tour are eagerly waiting to hear from you. It’s a one stop community for the like minded travelers who just can’t get enough of their daily dose of the offerings that the world outside is ready to give. The main aim of this
endeavor is to get all the itchy travelers from around the world together and instill an environment where places you visit are not only left alone for you to see and admire, but also let others dig into it. You never know how many more are just living to see those places.

Project World Tour not only lets you see and gain but also contribute and get rewarded. Our community is all open for anyone who looks out for us- #ProjectWorldTour on any platform. Be it Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Google +, YouTube; we are all pervasive. The urge to share the world from your eyes with others will be addressed well and joining this community of the modern day Vasco De Gamas, Columbus’ and Captain Cooks will prove to be the ultimate salve for you.

Your laptop or Phone → Facebook → Project World Tour, and you are sorted! Sit back, relax and binge into the multitude of exoticas and traditionals that the World around is waiting to share with you. So, welcome aboard and travel through places galore!

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Monday, 21 January 2013


Freezing cold has returned to much of Europe following a mild stretch, paving the way for outbreaks of snow through at least the start of this week. Much awaited bed of snow is finally freezing the spine of mine, It looks like a big white canvas which I am ready to paint with colors but I am sure the colors will be overshadowed again with the white cast of snow. I tried to step out of my house and saw Icy and snow-covered roadways which will disrupt my going out for a week as weather forecast is to believed. My uncle who was coming to spend his vacations from India sent me a text about Air traffic which is subject to flight delays and cancellations.Much of Central and Western Europe will have days with temperatures ranging from 10 to 15 Degrees F below normal. I am forced to spend my day in my cozy blanket, brandy, IPad and my pet Lucy which I was longing for.

On the TV every news channel is covering the widespread snow, locally heavy, will fall in U.K., Germany, the Low Countries and France, to name a few. Even in southern Europe, parts of Italy, Spain and the Balkan Peninsula, will be subject to potentially heavy snow. One storm, ponderous and "double barreled," will dump a foot or more of heavy mountain snow, between Wednesday and Friday, over an area from the Pyrenees region of Spain and France, through much of Italy, eastward into such Balkan lands as Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro and Greece.Some lowland cities, in Italy and elsewhere, will also get heavy snowfall.

Another storm may lay down heavy snow Friday and Saturday in a swath over U.K. and France to the western Alps, which has made me bit worried about my daily life. The only thing which I am relying upon for traveling out is an application called RouteIt where I do not need to worry about any traffic and snowfall because it makes me travel virtually. Since I have joined the Project World Tour on facebook, I get connected to different people all over the globe who are sharing their experience and images of their travel around the world. I must say this gives me an extra dose of energy and hope to explore the place I have never been to and make new friends. I will still wait for the weather to become pleasing and warm around so I can spend my holidays with my uncle. The cold, unsettled weather could drag on well into next week as well, But I will keep you people updated.

Join Project World Tour on Facebook

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Project World Tour - A Journey To Roots Through Routes

Amanda was feeling damn nostalgic today. It has been 13 years since she walked on the route to her alma mater. She could actually see a calico of her images, toying with her friends in bits and pieces, across that route. A short journey via that route rewinded her school-memories as if those were playing on a bioscope or something.

Was it with Amanda only? Or do we all share a special connection with routes? How many times have you seen yourself walking on those roads that were your inextricable companions to several destinations that you’d set from time-to-time? In fact, even if you replay your good old college days, a major part of the nostalgic drive will inadvertently cast the routes you trod with your friends.

That’s how our memories are essentially wired. We could still connect with the route we took when we went to the school for the first time. We could still live over the excitement when our bulging bags leaned out to pave the way for light trendy bags, and school uniform transformed into fashionable attires and cool accessories in college. That nervous yet ambitious walk to the office. A surreal walk with the first date on a beach or some other romantic spot. Believe it or not, you have pictures of all these, and many more life-changing routes deeply ingrained in your sub-conscious.

In Project World Tour, we have endeavored to weave those all important routes, and several others, into a series of knowledge sharing postings across multitude of platforms. The aim here is to build a community of and for travelers where they go beyond sharing about places. Instead, the community will further magnify their sharing by talking about different routes that run through as veins in any city.

Not just that, contribution in the Project World Tour can fetch you some exciting takeaways that you can show off on your friends. We are on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Google Plus, YouTube, and all the popular platforms. Just enter #ProjectWorldTour in the search boxes of your favorite social media site and join the league of the extraordinary travelers waiting for like-minded people like YOU.

Monday, 7 January 2013

Project World Tour - Bring Out the Sindbad in You

“Columbus”, “Captain Cook”, “Vasco Da Gama”! Now what’s the first thing that crashed into your mind for that fraction of a second when you were reading these names. Perhaps, pictures of stout European men clad in metal buttoned sailor suits, wearing the American dixie cups or the French “Bachi” bonnets on their heads. Apart from the attire, the thought that goes perfectly moussed up with their names is the very thrill of exploration and adventure these iconic voyagers must have enjoyed. Sailing and beating those soaring ripples to a destination unknown, that’s what traveling and exploration is all about. Rest is just a pleasure-seeking exercise to say the least.

We always wish to feel that thrill of unraveling something not very known to the world, at least to our neighbors and friends. We do show off our serendipitous explorations to our friends, and never miss a chance to tell them that how mediocre their trip to that place was just because they couldn’t find the place you somehow managed to discover. Having said that, some of us do have that honest urge to see what the world has to dish up. Curiosity to know the very planet they inhabit is what actually drives these souls. And then there’s a whole class of travel aficionados who simply live for traveling and wouldn’t mind crossing an ocean to know about an obscure and remote island somewhere.

Whatever may be the reason, owing to the very restless nature of human beings, we simply can’t stay glued to one place for long. Every third weekend we call friends, we chalk out plans to hit the not-so-far destinations, and then immolate those with lethargy, or sometimes with time and resources constraints we suffer on and off.

Just to save those plans from random butchering with giving due respect to your lethargy and the sheer willingness to achieve everything while sitting on a bean-bag, we announce the launch of “Project World Tour”. This ambitious project is a part of RouteIt, a distinguished travel app, which houses the world’s choicest routes for you to dig into. Under this aspirational project, we’ll take you to different places while you’re logged into your favorite social network, be it Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, and Google Plus.

The aim of the Project World Tour is to make you aware of the places you always wanted to be at, and that too in an engaging way, giving you a feeling closer to the real world dynamism. In addition to virtual traveling, the Project also aims at building a community of like-minded travelers to instill an environment conducive for sharing. There will be contests and quizzes, rewards and awards, and lot more up for the grab.

So all fellow travelers, join the Project World Tour and discover the world in a way you might have never done before.

Join #ProjectWorldTour on Facebook: 

Follow us on Twitter: @RouteIt (RoutesAroundTheWorld)